

FillFoam™ applications for Void Filling Pipes

When unused pipes are no longer required, the two primary options are abandonment and removal. Having old pipes removed is often complicated and not a cost-effective option. If old pipes that have been abandoned are not correctly filled, they can deteriorate and lead to ground erosion. This can create the potential for collapse and other safety issues. These old pipes must be filled if they are located beneath a road, railway or other areas sensitive to subsidence.
FillFoam™ is the perfect product to fill in unused pipes. FillFoam™ is a safe and fast way to quickly fill voids and cavities with limited access without the bi-product of heat. Unlike Polyurethane which is ‘blown’ with a chemical reaction via water or gas, FillFoam™ is air blown and then the cells harden. FillFoam™ is also environmentally friendly, making it the perfect product for decommissioned pipes.